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No donation is too big or small. A regular contribution or a one-off gift will help more people benefit from our inclusive life-changing training and development programmes.

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A regular contribution or a one-off gift will help more people benefit from our life-changing training and development programmes.

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I leave my traineeship a changed man. I’m not the Jamie defined by my Asperger’s but a new Jamie defined by my aspirations.

Jamie, 21, Sound Academy, Pathway to Employment

Case Studies

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Emilia has appreciated the opportunity to be listened to on live radio thanks to Sound Academy's After School Training and won't take the opportunity for granted.

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What have I learnt? I’ve learnt to be less grumpy and more confident. I’m confident talking on the radio and to the camera and having my photograph taken. When I first came to Sound Vision, I didn’t want to do this. Now, they can’t get rid of me.

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I’m still anxious but I’ve definitely had my confidence boosted. I can even dance in front of people now and I talk to more people.

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