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Across our last fiscal year, we directly impacted 189 people - double the number from the previous year!

Want to understand the impact that Sound Vision can have?
Listen to George's story on his Pathway to Employment

Work Experience Film 2023

Pathway to Employment, Work Experience Summer 2023 : "Fifteen years of fifteen-year-olds"

Watch here

‘I’m still anxious but I’ve definitely had my confidence boosted. I can even dance in front of people now, and I talk to more people. I no longer need to go to ‘Off The Record’ (mental health support for young people).

Year 8 Norton Hill School Student, Sound Academy, Alternative Provision

We seek to empower people of all ages, but we have a strong legacy and focus on young people. Here is the breakdown of our trainees this year:

By supporting other projects, we have significantly increased our capacity to empower voices less heard. Roughly half of our trainees last year were from projects we enabled. Our Sound Women workshops, for example, helped build confidence and verbal skills. Here is the trainee breakdown:

Since launching the charity in 2017, we have carefully monitored the progress of all trainees and beneficiaries.

  1. Case studies

    Emilia Pyka's Story

    Emilia participated in the Sound Academy, After School Training at Riverside Radio and achieved an NCFE Level 1 Award in Radio Production.

  2. Case studies

    GN's Story

    Year 9 student GN was facing mental health challenges. She attended Sound Academy's Alternative Provision, where she gained an Arts Award and significantly developed her self-esteem.

  3. Case studies

    Mark's Story

    Mark attends Fosse Way School as a Post-16 student. He is part of Pathway to Employment, where he quickly developed confidence, experienced an uplift in mood and built skills valuable for future employment. 

  4. Case studies

    Stuart's Story

    After a fruitful career in photography Stuart, now in his 60s, joined Sound Academy’s Adult Training reigniting his personal creativity and enthusiasm to learn.

  5. Case studies

    TA's Story

    TA was referred to Alternative Provision by Norton Hill School due to his low self-esteem and challenges in making positive friendships. As well as valuable transferable skills, he has also shown increased self-esteem, improved mood and ability to socialise and collaborate.

Our Funders